Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Eye Dr.

I went to the eye Dr. -Kuffel- monday and tuesday. Monday he took pictures and gave me a lazer treatment. Tuesday he gave me a shot of avastin in the eye.I tried to look it up under macular degeneration but couldn't fined it. Found Lucentis and macugen but no avastin. Will ask him about it next week when I go back.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Steps

We now have new steps into our trailer.One of our members in the village bought a house in Rockport and no longer needed the steps. So insead of building my own I got his.Patsy is trying to give them our big chair by the door, so she can put a glider there. I my need to build a step from the platform into the trailer, but Patsy said lets wait and see.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Eye Doc.- Doc Kuffel

Yesterday was not a good day. To begin, we got ready to go to Corpus Christi at 9 am for a 10 am appointment and found the buick had a flat tire. Our neighbor Jim let us take his car, so we made it to the doctors on time. After the exam the doctor told me he wanted to do the dye, laser treatment again,followed by a shot in the eye. I don't look forward to the shot. It's something new, and he has had good luck with it. He feels that it could improve the eye seight. When Patsy got back from shoping and picked me up, the back window was down about three inches and wouldn't move. Then I lost to a full house in Texas hold-em. Today I painted one of the L P tanks. It doesn't look to bad.

Monday, January 7, 2008

The hard life

After working hard all morning- exercising, playing pool, and taking a nap- I find that I can work up to something as hard as this. As long as the sun is shining.